In this animation the viewer gets a glimpse into the minds of youngsters who talk about the importance of film.
Through workshops and viewings in schools and Filmhuis Den Haag, students gain insight into the functioning and impact of film, media and visual culture. How to make a movie? How do you interpret footage? What is fiction and what is real?
To bring this message to the young visitors we made an animation, in which the youngsters tell the importance of film in their own words.
Filmhuis Den Haag
Concept, design & production
Studio Motoko
Studio Motoko
Additional animation
Jurjen Bosklopper
Julian Burford
Additional illustrations
Leendert van der Plas
Pavol Blaho
Sound design
Senne van Marissing
Charis, Axel, Luuk, Vito, Wallace, Marissa, Raphalle, Sacha, Kaj, Sam, Bowien, Nikki, Sophia, Doriesa, Thijmen, Boran, Levi, Nora, Indy, Bruno